Saturday, December 21, 2013

Scotcheroos: Peanut Butter Rice Crispies with Butterscotch & ChocolateTopping

This Recipe is Famous in my family and always is made during the Christmas season. I have made if for parties and it's always the first thing to go!

Here is the are recipe:
1 cup carrow syrup
1 cup white sugar
1 cup smooth peanut butter
6 cups rice crispies
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1 cup butterscotch chips
In a double broiler start to melt both the chocolate and butterscotch chips.
In a sauce pan mix the syrup and sugar together. Heat till boiling and turn off immediately. Stir in peanut butter. Put rice crispies in a large bowl (or kitchen aid). Mix crispies with the peanut butter mix till all are covered. Spray at 9x13 pan with Pam. Lay rice crispies on pan and spread out. Pour the melted chocolate on top! Leave out covered till chocolate dries. If your in a hurry to eat them place on fridge for 1 hour (freezer half hour).



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