Monday, August 19, 2013

Orlando, FL: Walt Disney World *Be Our Guest Restaurant*

A MUST DO when you visit Walt Disney World (See how you can on a budget Here) is to make a reservation, sometimes 3 months in advance, to Disney's Magic Kingdom *Be Our Guest Restaurant*. 

  • As soon as you walk into the Castle-like restaurant you already feel like you are in the movie! Disney has a good way of doing that to you :)
  • The Grand Ballroom is magnificent and the "Beauty & The Beast" theme song is playing.
    • It had the Large gold chandeliers and the cloud ceiling
    • The grand glass windows, even though its 90 degrees in florida, shows snow falling.
  • To the left of the ballroom is the Beast's room where the rose is kept.
    • This is where we were seated and it was amazing!
    • Every hour thunder & lightening would start and a perfect picture of the Prince on the wall would flash a torn picture of the Beast.
    • The rose was also an amazing feature as leaves would be dropping to the bottom of the vase.
  • Even though the surroundings make you feel like you should dress up the dress code is casual
    • We were wearing shorts, sandals and t-shirts
  • My hubby told the waiter it was my birthday at and the end of our meal they gave me a chocolate soufflĂ© and sang the birthday song
  • It was a wonderful experience and really made the day that much more spectacular! 
To See More Info on The Restaurant Click Here

The Ballroom

The Rose
Outside the Castle

Meeting Beast


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